Please find enclosed the information for the lunch & dinners for the following regions… I believe that small groups of retirees from other areas i.e. Prince George, Quesnel, Prince Rupert, Cranbrook to name a few, get together periodically, if any one anywhere in the Province is arranging anything in your area, let us know the details and we will include them in the email sent out to the membership and on this page.
Spouses and Active crew members also welcome to attend.
New Mid Island ParksVille
Meet for lunch 1130 hrs Rickys Restaurant, 1480 Huntley road Parksville
Mile Zero – Peace River
Meet for afternoon get together on the 3rd Wednesday at 12 pm. Original Joes 11008 8th st. C100 Dawson Creek
mid to north Island Powell River
Meet for breakfast at Julie’s Airport Cafe, 7550 Duncan St. Powell river, every Sunday at 09.00 hrs.
Salmon Arm –
They meet for wings or whatever is the feature of the day at Chances Casino, 384 Trans-Canada Hwy every Third Wednesday of the month. 17:00
Mid Island –
They meet at the York Diner, 5849 York Rd. Duncan, 2 blocks south of the Duncan Ambulance Station. Third Thursday of the month, 11:00
Kelowna –
Currently we meet on the First Monday of every Month, 11:30 am, at the Creekside Pub in Kelowna 3929 Lakeshore Road. table under name of Paramedics.
Metro Vancouver –
Meet at Rusty`s Neighbourhood Pub 17770 56 Ave. (Hwy #10 & 177B St.) Cloverdale, We meet the third Wednesday of the month…at 11:30. There is no lunch in December
Metro Victoria
Meet second Thursday of the month at Log House Pub, 2323 Millstream Rd. Langford at 11.30 AM.
Meet for lunch 3rd Wednesday of the month, 11:30 at Moon Wok. #4-111 Oriole Rd. Kamloops
Camping/Fishing Trips
Celebration of life
June 13 2024 1200 hrs
Coast Kamloops Hotel and Conference Centre
1250 Roger’s Way, Kamloops BC
250 828 6698 for room reservations
Private Events
Events that are of interest for members of the bcas10-7 association. eg. Surprise retirement parties, lunches or Dinners.
Go to the events page
To post your event on these pages, please contact the webmaster and the membership coordinator with all information about your event. Date, time, location, and what the event is for. If you have a poster please forward it also.